Our expertise extends from advising and representing clients in sexual abuse of children and domestic violence to Wardship proceedings in the High Court. We can also assist with cases involving an international element, including European arrest warrants against parents and child abduction. We provide advice to parents, guardians and interveners in all types of disputes arising from private law issues.

The areas in which the team are regularly instructed include

  • Residence disputes.
  • Contact disputes.
  • LGBTQ co-parenting cases.
  • Domestic Abuse cases and the impact of PD12j.
  • Serious welfare issues/allegations.
  • External and internal relocation.
  • Abduction.
  • Wardship.
  • Prohibited Steps Orders.
  • Specific Issues Orders.
  • Parental alienation.
  • Enforcement hearings.

Our Family Law team is busy, dynamic and sought after, with a reputation for being genial and approachable. Many members of the team are able to undertake work on a Public Access basis.

Get in touch about Private Law Children